Other Initiatives in the Past
Svavriti Learning Kits
Svavriti means self-reliance and that is exactly what this project aims to develop in our students. Svavriti designs whole class reinforcement learning material, aligned to the NCERT learning outcomes for the respective grade. The learning kits are designed to be:
- self-explanatory with children friendly instructions
- cater to multiple intelligences such as linguistic, visual, and kinesthetic
- promote peer learning among students
Math Resource Centre
Samait Shala has initiated the Math Resource Center in its partner schools. The purpose of the center is to give time to every child to experience Math at their own pace along with their peers and make Math fun. We see initial traces of strong formation, understanding, and patience building in the children. We are extremely thankful to the Jodo Gyan team for sharing their excellent knowledge, resources, and ideas to help us build local materials for the children. Maths workshops are aligned with NCERT learning outcomes.
What do teachers say?
Teachers feel comfortable with the pace and engagement of our sessions
Teachers feel the content covered in the session is directly relevant to their work
Teachers feel confident to apply what they learnt
Teachers showcased their learning accurately right after the training